Dumbbell Pelvic Thrust Description

Go To The 4 Workout. 4 is a full body workout plan, free online fitness ebook, and also a great restarter or beginner exercise routine. See The Dumbbell Pelvic Thrust Pictures Demonstrating The Beginning, Middle, and End of the Exercise. Watch The Dumbbell Pelvic Thrust Video.
  1. 1st step: Place the dumbbells in an open area on the floor about shoulder width apart and within your arms reach, and sit down between them. Lay down on the floor as if you were about to do a sit-up or crunch. Make sure your legs are bent at the knee joint around 45 degrees and your feet about shoulder width apart and planted firmly on the floor. After doing this exercise a couple of times, you should be able to find the angle of the knee joint that you feel most comfortable with using when performing this exercise. It is okay to keep your head on the floor during this exercise, but do not bang it on the floor.
  2. 2nd step: In a very controlled manner, reach out your hands and slowly, gently, and smoothly pick up and lift the dumbbells off of the floor by using your elbows as a fulcrum point and gently place the end of each dumbbell that is nearest to your pinkie onto your hip-pelvis so that it is resting on your hip-pelvis region as you continue to maintain a firm grip on each dumbbell. The other end of each dumbbell should be facing, pointing to, the ceiling or sky. This is the starting position. This is the beginning of the repetition.
  3. 3rd step: In a very controlled manner, while maintaining a constant firm grip on the dumbbells, lift your butt off of the ground until your stomach, thighs, and chest are in-line, forming a flat bridge or surface, while allowing the dumbbells to tilt just a little to adjust and stay balanced and pointing towards the sky, ceiling, during the lift as the lower end of the dumbbell continues resting in the same position on your hips. Don't forget to breathe out as you lift the weights and your pelvis away from the floor. If done correctly, your butt and lower back should be completely off of the floor and only the area near your upper back, near your shoulders, and head should be touching the floor. Squeeze your glutes, butt, at the peak of this motion. If you lift your pelvis so high that you are supporting the weight entirely with your head, then you have gone too far and have done the exercise incorrectly. This is the positive movement of the repetition. This is the middle of the repetition.
  4. 4th step: In a very controlled manner, while maintaining a constant firm grip on the dumbbells as they continually rest on your hips, slowly, gently, and smoothly lower your butt back to the floor while breathing in. This is the negative movement of the repetition. This is the end of the repetition.

    Repeat steps 3 and 4 as needed to complete the required repetitions for this exercise for this day.
  5. 5th step: Once finished, in a very controlled manner as you maintain a firm grip on the dumbbells, slowly, gently, and smoothly lift the weights off of your hips and set them back onto the floor by using your elbows as a fulcrum point. Now you can stand up.